Christmas and New Year’s

Hello again from a LONG silence.  I wish it was because I had been hibernating, but unfortunately that is not the case.  I’ve been slightly busier than normal.  We closed clinic on the 22nd of December, and immediately picked up the pace on finishing the new clinic building.  There wasn’t terribly much that I did there the first week we were off, but with Christmas and New Year, I got to work in the kitchen and help make some special food for the holidays.  That was a lot of fun, and I had a bit of free time too.  I knew as soon as we could start moving in, there would be more than enough to keep me busy.  For Christmas Eve, we went up to Rhonda’s.  That was a fun time, and lots of good food.   We had ham and cheese sandwiches, pickles, chex mix, cheese ball, and cookies and chocolates; all because our families and friends remembered us and sent the things.  So thank you all for remembering us!  We sang for a while Christmas Eve, we had some extra folks around and some new songbooks!



Christmas day we had brunch, and then there was an emergency run that Michael had to do.  Thankfully he found another ride out to Ti Goave for the lady, so no one had to go all the way out on Christmas day.   We had the afternoon off, and then we had supper.  Wow, what a supper!  Ok, you have to realize that we eat food like is in these pictures one time a year.  This time.  My dad bought a cured ham down, and we made mashed potatoes, and sweet potato pudding, and carrots, and stuffing, and cranberry jelly, and cheese cake thanks to Breanna.  It was so good, I love ham and mashed potatoes.

3After that, we opened our presents; we did a gift exchange.  My camera was too slow to catch Cherie hugging the little puppy I gave her, she loves “boof boof”s as she calls them.  This was her second puppy for the evening, but she still was excited.


Here is a picture of Michael and I, we may look a little weird, but that is us!  The other is all of us playing Apples to Apples, someone just brought the game down recently.



Now, let me think….one of those days in there…. oh yeah, the Sunday in between, the church here had a “fet”.  They make food for everyone who comes to church that Sunday.  The ladies responsible for cooking the food asked if Anita and I would help cook, and we convinced Breanna and Rhoda to come along.  They made 7 huge kettles of rice and beans, 3 kettles of fried beef chunks, and macaroni and potato salad, and a few other specialty items for the Pastors.  It was a lot of fun to help them cook, very meager utensils (just a couple long-handled spoons and only 1 very dull knife), but very enjoyable.  After the service all the other “blans” came down and we dished up the food into styrofoam plates.  I think there was over 300 people fed.  For the first time since they have been doing the “fet”, there was plenty of food for everyone.  The food was good, but after cooking everything in oil all morning, my hunger for that particular food was kind of dulled.  Here are some pictures.  The girls are sorting the hacked up chunks of beef in preparation for frying.





I will write about the clinic move in another post.  I hope you all had a blessed Christmas even though I didn’t wish you one.  Sorry!  Happy New Year!

Surprises and Dreams

I sewed up the back of a lady’s knee yesterday.  A pig bit her.  But… the worst thing was it was filthy with chewed up leaves, and I had to pick every speck out.  The Haitians, for whatever reason, like to chew up leaves and pack it into their wounds.  This was a 1″ by 2″ three-cornered tear, and it was so difficult to get those little specks of leaves out of it.  The lady was older, and her daughter was with her.  The daughter kept saying, ” I told you not to put leaves in it.  See I told you it wasn’t a good thing to do!”  I had to smile, at least some people are learning!

Guess what surprise I had this week!  My parents came down, and I had no idea they were coming!  I knew they were planning on coming the very end of the year, but it worked out better for them to come sooner.  Last Sunday morning they walked in and I was shocked!  They had to fly back Thursday, but I so enjoyed having them both here.  Mama had been to Haiti once before, but that was before I was down to live.  I was so much fun to show her my life here, and introduce her to my friends.

Another thing that has happened recently is a date for my return to the States.  I’m going back to TN the 21st of February.  I am going back to rest up a bit and gather some materials to start some Health and Hygiene and Prenatal Health classes.  Of course that will take quite a while to get the materials and training I need.  I really don’t know how this will all work out, but I do know that it is a dream that is becoming a vision as time goes by.  Please pray that God would direct each step of the way, and that I do not try to do things in my own strength.  I hope to come back to Haiti sometime next fall, but I’m not sure when and where to.  God will open the way if that is His w ill for me.

God bless each one of you!


Broken Heads

You might wonder about what I mean in the title till you remember I work in a clinic.  Last Thursday I was sitting in my room getting ready to write a post on here when I heard my fellow nurse, Breanna, being called to go check out the crowd that carried someone into clinic.   She radioed back that the person was unconscious, and me being nosy and wanting to be around if she needed help, went over.  The older man was lying there snoring rather loudly, and couldn’t be wakened.  I asked for the story and a man stepped forward out of the crowd of about 50 jabbering people.  Apparently the unconscious man was working with him in the field this morning, and started to “dekonpoze” or feel faint, and then he passed out.  I think the Creole word for fainting is kind of funny, it is very close to and also means to decompose.  Back to my story, I asked if he had eaten anything that morning?  ”No, but he drank some ‘alkol’ ”  There I had it!  He was hypoglycemic.  Not eating, drinking something alcoholic…. sure enough, the blood sugar test read Low.  I helped Breanna put him on an IV of  dextrose, we put some glucose in his cheeks, and within 15 minutes he had come round and was trying to figure out what had happened.  But what does this have to do with a broken head?  His friends in their concerned rush to the clinic, made a bamboo stretcher to carry him with.  For whatever reason, it broke on the way in, and spilled the poor man onto the rocks giving him a nice 1″ cut above his eye.  So after he recovered from his low blood sugar attack, I had to stitch him up.  He really was a nice old man, and when I asked him if he was ready for me to stitch his head, he answered, “yes, if you please”.  We fixed him up, and the crowd left with him to take him home.

No more than 10 minutes later another crowd came in, this time with a little boy who was unconscious.  He had been kicked in the head by a mule.  His mom passed their house leading the mule and he ran out after them unbeknownst to her.  The little tyke had a great lump on his head, but it really wasn’t bleeding. What concerned us was that he went unresponsive 30 minutes after being kicked, not right away.  So Michael sat with him for the next 30 minutes, and checked on him throughout the night, rousing him and keeping an eye on his pupils and the other ” increased brain pressure” indicators.  (Don’t laugh if you are medical and this sounds funny, tell me a better way to say it.)  By the next morning he was fine, walking, talking, a normal 4-year-old.

Yesterday, Sunday, I was on call.  We had just got home from church, and were getting ready to eat lunch when Breanna and I were called to clinic.  I was immediately wondering what I would find since we were both called at once.  There sat a 10-year-old boy with a cloth wrapped around his head.  Great, another head injury!  He couldn’t remember what had happened, and the man who was with him was hyper and didn’t know much.  I found out later he didn’t even know the boy’s name, I honestly don’t know how he was connected to him.  The most I could gather was that he fell onto a rock, and his shoulder and arm were bruised and scraped as well.  The wound was a crush cut, and the boy’s thick hair was way down in the cut.  It took a lot of careful picking and trimming of the pulverized flesh and hair before the wound was ready to be stitched.  I didn’t know if I would ever get done cleaning it out;  this was the first really messy cut I have had to clean up.  But with Breanna’s good help, we got done, and wrapped up his head.  I kept him over night to make sure he was ok, he had come from an hours walk away and I didn’t feel right about sending him home immediately.  His mom came, and spent the night with him, and the hyper man left.

Then, the smile of the week–Friday night we had a birth.  Just after the baby was born we were suctioning it’s nose and mouth, hadn’t even cut the cord yet, when I heard “Mis, Mis”.  I looked up, and the aunt motioned toward the baby then squeezed her own cheeks between two fingers.  I immediately understood, and very deliberately reached down and gave the baby girl dimples.  Yes, the Haitians believe that if you squeeze the baby’s cheeks just after it is born, you can give it dimples.  I haven’t ever been asked to do that before, but it sure made me smile!

The JOY of the LORD

The joy of the Lord is my STRENGTH!  How true that is, if I could only continue in the joy of the Lord the whole time.  I look at circumstances and myself way too much and thus miss His joy, and it only follows that I have no strength.  God help me to keep my gaze on HIM and His goodness and holiness!

This past week has been very good in several areas.  There has been a revival in the hearts of some of us here on the compound, mine included, and all the glory goes to God.  Nothing really bad was happening, but you know how bad attitudes and spiritual depression can set in without you even noticing.  But praise God, He has opened our eyes and we are once again gazing on His beauty!  It changes life!

Also, if you have read any of the clinic blog for GTH, you probably know of “the foot lady”.  She has been coming every day for a year now to get her foot bandaged, and it is almost totally healed now.  Yesterday in church, she repented of turning away from God some time back.  She said she used to know God,  then she left Him, and now He has brought her back!  Glory to His name!  She has His joy in her face now.

Then, last night, we had a young couple come in for the birth of their child.   A year ago, on Dec. 4 (a Sunday as well), they had come into clinic for the birth of their first child.  The little girl never breathed well, and died after 48 hours.  God used the death of that little baby turn the life of her father around.  The couple had gotten pregnant before marriage, and during the pregnancy, the girl gave her life to God.  The young man however, was rebellious and very troubled.  God opened his eyes through that hard time, and they have both been growing in the Lord, one of the few godly young couples in this area.  We were all praying very hard that this birth would go well and that the baby would be healthy.  Imagine our joy when the beautiful baby cried!  We all laughed!  It was almost too good to be true.  And, to top it all off, it was another little girl!  In this case it is – ”the Lord takes away, and the Lord GIVES, blessed be the name of the Lord”.  You can’t replace a child, but it is more than coincidental that this little one was a girl too, born a year after the loss of the first one.  She is so very beautiful, more so than most newborns, and I don’t think it is prejudice.  Here, you take a look and see what you think…pretty girlie

Her happy daddy, with Michael taking a picture.

happy dad


Our very happy crowd!

the rest of us

Pray for this couple as they raise their little girl for Him.  God bless you all!


I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to post very much recently; our internet is very bad right now and is so slow it sometimes won’t load the WordPress site.  Such is life sometimes — I’m just glad we have internet at all!

Do you remember Camilson?  His mom brought him to get milk while I was in Patmos, and he was still losing weight.  Shana sent them out the hospital, and I saw him the other day after they came back.  He is still so very tiny, but he is looking a little better I think.  He is on the milk program, and if you would like to help pay for his milk, visit this site: .  We have a lot of babies who need milk, but every month we have to cut back on what we need to buy because we simply don’t have the money.

Here is a picture of him, isn’t he looking better? 

The Hurricane on Mt. Patmos

On the 22nd of October, Michael and I flew into  Haiti and headed directly into the mountains after picking up the bags we left here.  We drove for 5-6 hours till we came to the end of the vehicle road way up in the mountains behind Port Au Prince.  We had traversed a paved road with 200+ curves, a riverbed that took around 4 hours and 20+ river crossings, and a dirt road along the mountain side so steep at places you wonder how you can drive on it.  At the end of the road we unloaded the 36 buckets that contain our clinic, the luggage the team needed for staying in the mountains for 5 days, and all the food we would eat during that time.  Yes, it was quite a load, and sometimes I get embarrassed at how much stuff we can come up with.  But we don’t want to be a burden to the community, so we take our sleeping mats and all the food we need.  Anyway, the Haitian’s from the mountain we were going to, all chose what they could carry and headed off.  By the time the time the trucks were empty, it was 5.  The last group of us started off on the 2-3 hour hike with three rivers to cross and hour of daylight.  We ended up hiking in the dark, the last half of the way, which I don’t really mind.  Everything went well, we all arrived safely, had some supper and went to bed.  Tuesday I set up the pharmacy while the sheets were being hung to form consultation rooms.   We had 4 consultation rooms, and soon got rolling.  There was the normal aches and pains, gas and acid, and quite a few clogged ears.  I had some good help in the pharmacy and we had fun giving out packages with hygiene items and a dress to all the girls under the age 14.  CAM had quite a few donated, and it was so special to see a little girls eyes light up when she realized that this “kado” was for her!  Wednesday we had around 120 people and the wind was blowing pretty hard by the evening.  We knew there was a tropical storm coming, but what could we do about it?  Wednesday was my birthday, what an odd place and time to turn 25 – on top of a mountain in a brewing hurricane!   I thought it was fine, I love the work here and the people of Haiti.  By Thursday it was raining and blowing, and not many people came.  Friday was a full-blown hurricane and every one stayed inside.  It was an adventure to go to the outhouse, the wind would rip the door out of your hands.  The wind eventually did rip off the doors, oh well, it is all in a mountain trip.  We got cabin bound and passed the time singing and playing games of Dictionary and Pictionary and Confusion.  We made that church on the mountain ring with song after song, most from memory.  I was so glad that the team consisted of people who love to sing.  We had no electric, and no lamps or candles; when darkness fell, we had only our flashlights.  One evening we played with hand shadows, and the doctor was really good with making his shadow talk!  We always went to bed early, what else is there to do?  The next morning we woke up to RAIN and WIND again.  At various times and places you could find someone (a lot of the time it was me) staring out into the storm.  I was SO grateful we were on top of the mountain top instead of in the valley.  If I have visual elbow room, I don’t mind not being able to go somewhere nearly as much.  Saturday was the day the team was to have flown out, but we weren’t going anywhere.  The hurricane had lingered over our particular spot in Haiti as if wanting to wash us into the ocean.  Finally the thing moved on, but to our dismay and blank amazement, part of it broke off the main storm and sat directly above us, dumping the rain!  Now you have to realize that we couldn’t just leave when the rain stopped.  We were trapped by the rivers, one on each side of the mountain, roaring and foaming so loud you could hear it at the top.  Saturday the rain basically stopped and were we ever GLAD to see the sun.  We started trying to find a way out as it would be days before the river went down enough to get to the trucks, to say nothing of the big river going down enough to drive out through.  We actually called the UN and other various organizations to see if we could get a helicopter to come get the team out, but we finally were told that there were only two helicopters in Haiti.  They were both occupied doing rescue operations in life threatening situations, and our situation wasn’t life threatening.  There were some of our team who HAD to get home, even if they had to walk out.  So early Sunday morning one of our Haitian translators set out to a mountain top that was six miles away, as the crow flies.  That mountain top was accessible by vehicles.  He finally got to his destination around four in the afternoon, and by that time most of the team decided they wanted to hike out.  Michael volunteered to go as escort, and with a few Haitians for guides and three mules, they set out.  They left around 2 in the afternoon, and hiked till 10:30 pm.  They stayed in the house of the mayor for that region, and finished the hike the next morning in 45 min.  A man from CAM picked up the team, and Michael hiked all the way back to Patmos.  He was so tired and footsore when he got back.  We did clinic a few more days, and five days after we were supposed to have left, we finally packed up to head out.  Horror of horrors, it started clouding up and thundering the afternoon before we were to leave.  We couldn’t just head out, we needed people to carry out the stuff, and they wouldn’t come before morning.  Thank God, He made the clouds dissipate, and there wasn’t a drop of rain!  At 4:30 the next morning, the Pastor with us started hollering on the microphone he had brought along, calling the people of the mountains to come and help us get out.   They showed up one at a time till we left around 7 am.

We hiked out Wednesday morning, the 31st, and it was such a beautiful day!  After 30+ inches of rain, all the dust and loose dirt was washed away, leaving all the colors bright and clean.  Of course the trees and plants were wind battered, but the air and earth were so clean and bright.  I saw colors in the rocks that I never thought existed there, great streaks of red rock that were normally covered in dusty dirty brown.  I fancied that those big red streaks were where a dinosaur was squashed in the flood and fossilized!  Not really, but it was something to laugh about!  We loaded up the trucks and headed out, Jeriah and Michael driving.  They have both driven over everything that is passable with a vehicle (and some that weren’t), so I wasn’t nervous about the trip out.  A couple of the others were nervous- to a degree!  We had had men fix the two washed out places in the road to the riverbed, and the one place was so steep that I could not see the hood of the truck (I was standing in the bed, right behind the cab).  It was interesting to say the least.  We arrived at the river, and there it was roaring away through a long S shape, fairly deep, and very bouldery.  I know that is not a word, but “rocky” doesn’t describe it.  We had hired 6 men to come with us and walk ahead of the trucks, clearing boulders away and making a place to drive.  We had to cross the S part four times in two or three hundred yards, and each crossing was difficult.  The first one, just needed rocks moved.  The second was deeper, and had even bigger rocks.  I’m really surprised that the men were able to keep their feet while rolling rocks away!    The first truck roared through the water, but the second got hung very firmly on a rock.  There was no going anywhere.  The water was up to the bottom of the doors, so you can imagine how it was with a whole bunch of men trying to push the truck off the rock.  It didn’t work.  We finally backed up the other truck and try to pull it off.  No go.  So we backed up farther, and pushed it bumper to bumper, yay!  This time it worked!  But oh no! now the first truck spun out, it’s wheels just sinking into the loose gravel of the river bottom.  All the men got behind and pushed, and out it went, towing along the second truck too.  That was only the second crossing.  The third wasn’t so bad, but the second truck again spun out in a gravel bed and had to be pulled out.  All this time, we had been crossing the river pretty much straight across, but the fourth time was a DEEP narrower spot.  No driving straight across this one!  Before each of these crossings, the men all stood at the edge surveying the area and talking over the best place to try.  They finally decided to drive with the flow for a short way, and gunning the engines both trucks pulled safely out the other side.  The rest of the way, was talked over, cleared, crossed, and repeated more times than I remember.  The water kept getting deeper little by little, till we were hearing reports of it being muddy and deeper and uncross-able close to Jacmel.  We reached the road Michael hiked up over the mountain, and decided to try getting out that way and not risk being stopped by the river father down.  The road was steep, and it had a few places to fix before we could proceed, but we finally made it to the top.  It was SO wonderful to finally be on the top of another mountain looking back over the swollen river.  The rest of the trip was uneventful as far as Haiti traveling goes.

And that dear friends, concludes my tale.   Here are some pictures that hopefully are like the proverbial “thousand words”!

Exam rooms right, pharmacy left, sleeping rooms up front

See the donkey’s tail, the trees and the tarp? That takes some wind!

Kind of dreary…

Beautiful sunshine!

Full moon behind the highest mountain in Haiti.

The sunsets were gorgeous!

This is where I couldn’t see the hood of the truck.

Clearing away the boulders

Stuck on a rock

This place was deep and swift

The water was getting deeper

Looking back to where we came from!


Some Incidents From the Past Weeks

I’ve been busy since coming back to Ailegue, the other day after clinic was just done I had a stitch job to do.  Another rock-cut–from a school child to another schoolgirl.  I wish these children would learn NOT to throw rocks.

While I was stitching this, a lady came to the clinic, in labor.  Within two hours she had an 8 lb. 2 oz. baby boy.  He was pretty cute!  Of course, I had to hug him a minute.

The little princess of the mission, Cherie, turned one on the 15th.  This is her joyousness after we sang “Happy Birthday” to her!


And because I am a sunset fanatic, here is the last picture for today…. this is one of 39 pictures of the same sunset, and they are all different.

The Rest of the Story- Mt. Patmos

We hiked out Wednesday morning, the 31st, and it was such a beautiful day!  After 30+ inches of rain, all the dust and loose dirt was washed away, leaving all the colors bright and clean.  Of course the trees and plants were wind battered, but the air and earth were so clean and bright.  I saw colors in the rocks that I never thought existed there, great streaks of red rock that were normally covered in dusty dirty brown.  I fancied that those big red streaks were where a dinosaur was squashed in the flood and fossilized!  Not really, but it was something to laugh about!  We loaded up the trucks and headed out, Jeriah and Michael driving.  They have both driven over everything that is passable with a vehicle (and some that weren’t), so I wasn’t nervous about the trip out.  A couple of the others were nervous- to a degree!  We had had men fix the two washed out places in the road to the riverbed, and the one place was so steep that I could not see the hood of the truck (I was standing in the bed, right behind the cab).  It was interesting to say the least.  We arrived at the river, and there it was roaring away through a long S shape, fairly deep, and very bouldery.  I know that is not a word, but “rocky” doesn’t describe it.  We had hired 6 men to come with us and walk ahead of the trucks, clearing boulders away and making a place to drive.  We had to cross the S part four times in two or three hundred yards, and each crossing was difficult.  The first one, just needed rocks moved.  The second was deeper, and had even bigger rocks.  I’m really surprised that the men were able to keep their feet while rolling rocks away!    The first truck roared through the water, but the second got hung very firmly on a rock.  There was no going anywhere.  The water was up to the bottom of the doors, so you can imagine how it was with a whole bunch of men trying to push the truck off the rock.  It didn’t work.  We finally backed up the other truck and try to pull it off.  No go.  So we backed up farther, and pushed it bumper to bumper, yay!  This time it worked!  But oh no! now the first truck spun out, it’s wheels just sinking into the loose gravel of the river bottom.  All the men got behind and pushed, and out it went, towing along the second truck too.  That was only the second crossing.  The third wasn’t so bad, but the second truck again spun out in a gravel bed and had to be pulled out.  All this time, we had been crossing the river pretty much straight across, but the fourth time was a DEEP narrower spot.  No driving straight across this one!  Before each of these crossings, the men all stood at the edge surveying the area and talking over the best place to try.  They finally decided to drive with the flow for a short way, and gunning the engines both trucks pulled safely out the other side.  The rest of the way, was talked over, cleared, crossed, and repeated more times than I remember.  The water kept getting deeper little by little, till we were hearing reports of it being muddy and deeper and uncross-able close to Jacmel.  We reached the road Michael hiked up over the mountain, and decided to try getting out that way and not risk being stopped by the river father down.  The road was steep, and it had a few places to fix before we could proceed, but we finally made it to the top.  It was SO wonderful to finally be on the top of another mountain looking back over the swollen river.  The rest of the trip was uneventful as far as Haiti traveling goes.

And that dear friends, concludes my tale.   Here are some pictures that hopefully are like the proverbial “thousand words”!

Exam rooms right, pharmacy left, sleeping rooms up front

See the donkey’s tail, the trees and the tarp? That takes some wind!

Kind of dreary…

Beautiful sunshine!

Full moon behind the highest mountain in Haiti.

The sunsets were gorgeous!

This is where I couldn’t see the hood of the truck.

Clearing away the boulders

Stuck on a rock

This place was deep and swift

The water was getting deeper

Looking back to where we came from!


Ms Edie Aids Haiti

“There’s lots to be done…we just have to get people involved.” Though Edie Smith is 93, you wouldn’t know it by her activity level. She has one speed – full steam ahead. While residing in an assisted-care facility in the St. Louis area, she’s been very active in AFH’s efforts for the Haitian people and her concern for them is palpable. . For over a year since she heard of AFH reaching out to meet medical and spiritual needs in the remote areas of Haiti, Edie has been a powerhouse of energy. In addition to her other tasks at the facility, she’s led an effort for residents to make handbags for the women of Haiti from material remnants. “It’s just sad that they have to carry their belongings around in plastic bags. They ought to have something nice, and something that will last”. Additionally, Edie recognized the need for pill bottles in the clinics run by AFH and has collected hundreds of child-resistant pill bottles from her fellow residents. She removes the labels, washes them clean, and donates them. But Edie’s concern is not for only physical needs – “they need to know Jesus” she says. By helping AHF meet physical needs in the mountains, Edie is showing the love of Jesus to people she’s never met who live hundreds of miles away.

Oh that the Lord would give us more people like Edie!


Cross Cultural Haitian Medicine

Cross Cultural Medicine


I’m gradually, creepingly learning some rules about being a good health care provider in Haiti.
Here are a few of the things I’ve learned:

1) If you want to awe your patients with your insight into their health problem simply observe which part of the body has a rolled-up piece of fabric tied around it. A cord tied tightly around the waist? Backache or in pregnant ladies round ligament pain. A handkerchief tied headband style around the head? Headache. Around the knees? You guessed it—knee pain.
2) Even if a scratch seems minor, never simply wash it and smear a little antibiotic ointment on it. Always cover it. This will prevent wind from entering into it. If wind would enter into it it could cause the patient to have gas; all kinds of pain in various parts of the body. Wind entering into a wound is what causes it to swell. It is also what causes umbilical hernias (protruding belly buttons) and inguinal hernias. Unfortunately I still haven’t figured out an impressive way to take wind out of a wound.
3) Always reassure a patient they may bathe the area in which they’ve received an injection whether this is for the purpose of injecting medicine or for withdrawing blood. I regularly forget this and was surprised the other day when a week after his first dose of benzathine penicillin as treatment for syphilis, an elderly gent returned for his second dose with the bandaid from his first injection still intact.
4) Here, as everywhere, a listening ear can soothe a multitude of problems.
5) Never underestimate the power of a stethoscope. I first realized the great importance attached to being really, thoroughly “stethoscoped” upon hearing an elderly woman relate with great gusto her experience of having a doctor “stethoscope” her upper arm. Now as far as I know there is absolutely no reason (other than checking blood pressure of course) to “stethoscope” a person’s arm, but just out of curiosity I have tried it a few times in patients complaining of arm pain. They are inevitably delighted. “Yes, ahhhhh, yes, right there!!!” If nothing else it makes the patient feel as though you are taking their complaints seriously. People seem to attach almost mystical power to a stethoscope, seeming to think it can somehow magically whisper a person’s diagnosis into your ear. There are plenty of times I wish it would.
6) There are (at least) three types of fever. Fever that makes your body hot, fever in the blood and fever in the bones (aching, as far as I can decipher). Therefore when a person complains of fever it is wise to find out which type of fever.
7) And then there are the ways of describing problems that keep a westerner such as myself somewhat mystified. “Anba kè-m vid” (Under my heart is empty). That’s a very common complaint, but I think I’ve come to finally understand it—that gnawing, nauseous feeling that accompanies low blood sugar. “M-gen yon van nan zorey’m” (I have a wind in my ears). My best guess is that this is what we would call fluid in the ears. The list goes on . . .
All newborns must come to the clinic for medicine for gas.
9) A baby’s back should not be broken (bent) until it is a month or two old and when you do “break” it you can expect the baby to have diarrhea or a fever similar to teething. Therefore the mothers lay their newborn infants across their laps and bend down to nurse them.
10) Twins are easily jealous of each other and may bring curses to other family members. Therefore if they are brought to the clinic care should be taken to give each twin similar medications otherwise the family may chose to give each twin the other’s medication just to keep things even.
11) Congratulate patients for gaining weight and commiserate with them if they’ve lost.
12) Vitamins have tremendous power (especially in liquid form) and are believed to be appetite stimulants. If someone is saying that don’t have an appetite and are becoming smaller, reassure them that you will prescribe vitamins for them.
13) My idea of what is causing an illness and my patient’s idea of what is causing an illness are often worlds apart. Recently a woman brought her infant son to the clinic. He appears to have an abdominal tumor. Treatment is not an option. Upon discussing her son’s condition with her I assured her there was nothing she could have done to prevent it. I don’t know if she believed me. Her neighbors had other theories. Her sister-in-law died from complications of AIDS earlier this year. Afterwards she took in her orphaned 18-month-old niece who, although testing negative for HIV, died several months later. Her neighbors say it was because of that baby’s spirit that her son was becoming sick. They had warned her not to take in her orphaned niece. They knew it would make her own baby ill. Others shook their heads and said it was because of her set of twins—they were a bad omen who had cursed this baby. I cannot convince them of my point of view; but I can present it as another option and I better be aware of what perspective they’re coming from.
14) Almost every death can be blamed on a curse—even if the person was aged and ill for a long time often someone is accused of cursing the person and thus causing the death.
15) IV fluids have supreme power and are to be desired above all else for giving strength.
16) If a baby is born at 7 months it has a chance of surviving, but if a baby is born at 8 months it is sure to die.
17) Although this has changed, long ago the placenta of a baby was buried in the dirt floor of the house, underneath the bed. A fire was then built over the place it was buried using wood from three different types of trees.
18) If a person has a seizure you should take the clothes the person was wearing when he/she had the seizure, burn them, then take some of the ashes and have the person who had the seizure drink them to prevent them from having more.
19) If a nursing lady experiences a great shock or surprise (ie witnessing an accident; experiencing a sudden death in the family, etc) she should be given special teas as a treatment ASAP. Otherwise her milk will go to her head causing all sorts of problems in the future such as mental illness. The infant should not be given its mother’s milk for a little while following the shocking event either.

It is fascinating to learn more about the health beliefs and practices of the area. It is also challenging and sometimes makes me wonder how surprised both me and my patients would be if we could get inside each other’s heads and see the rationales each one of us is operating under.

Pray that I can care for my patients in a way that makes them feel valued while also pointing them to the One who can provide freedom from fears of curses and has power to overthrow sickness and death.
