Ms Edie Aids Haiti

“There’s lots to be done…we just have to get people involved.” Though Edie Smith is 93, you wouldn’t know it by her activity level. She has one speed – full steam ahead. While residing in an assisted-care facility in the St. Louis area, she’s been very active in AFH’s efforts for the Haitian people and her concern for them is palpable. . For over a year since she heard of AFH reaching out to meet medical and spiritual needs in the remote areas of Haiti, Edie has been a powerhouse of energy. In addition to her other tasks at the facility, she’s led an effort for residents to make handbags for the women of Haiti from material remnants. “It’s just sad that they have to carry their belongings around in plastic bags. They ought to have something nice, and something that will last”. Additionally, Edie recognized the need for pill bottles in the clinics run by AFH and has collected hundreds of child-resistant pill bottles from her fellow residents. She removes the labels, washes them clean, and donates them. But Edie’s concern is not for only physical needs – “they need to know Jesus” she says. By helping AHF meet physical needs in the mountains, Edie is showing the love of Jesus to people she’s never met who live hundreds of miles away.

Oh that the Lord would give us more people like Edie!


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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member