Join with us in Haiti

Join us on the ground in Haiti, as we seek to learn about the needs and challenges facing Haitian families. Join as we work hard to help our Haitian brothers and sisters help themselves. Join as we connect and build lasting relationships in Haiti. If you or your church/group are interested and would like to put together your own custom team mission please contact us.

Why Go?

Go to experience and educate yourself about the culture, people, poverty and faith of the people of Haiti.
Go to connect with needs of the people.
Go to share your knowledge, skills and time to help minister to the people of Haiti

Types of Teams

Click below to discover a selection of some possible ministry teams. Please contact us with any other ideas.

[accordion title=”Construction Teams”]
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There are many needs for construction work. These often include laying block, shoveling, pouring cement, laying foundations, etc. Currently construction help is needed in southern Haiti to build the future home for Aid for Haiti. Please contact us and set up a much needed construction project and rovide your construction talents to further the work in Haiti.

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[accordion title=”Remote Medical Teams”]

Travel with us into some of the most remote and needy regions of Haiti. Down footpaths, into slums, and through the darkest mountains. Remote medical teams exist to care for the needy, directly evangelize and empower the local Haitian church. Volunteers can expect a very rigorous and inspiring Christ centered experience designed to focus on ministry to the Haitian people and their needs instead of our own. Through all we do we strive to minister to the people of Haiti at the expense of our own comfort and desires. Please prayerfully consider if your church, or ministry organization would like to partner with AFH as short term volunteers. Click below to find out more information.

[button url=””]Join Us[/button]



[accordion title=”Pastor Training”]

photo_10 Teams provide biblical training to pastors and teachers in remote regions who have never had the opportunity. There are multiple opportunities for preaching and assisting in teaching in pastor training sessions each year. Here, hundreds of pastors from remote areas of the country come and receive some of the only biblical training they have ever received. Would you or your church like to help to provide Pastor/Teacher training for remote pastors who have never received any previous training? Please contact us by clicking below.

[button url=””]Join Us[/button]



[accordion title=”Community Health”]

We have had some rewarding success in leading development seminars and classes with community members. Seminars can include agriculture, gardening projects, nutrition, training in sewing and other handicrafts, or womens health and hygiene for example. Seminars may be aimed at men, women, youth, or other groups. Be sure to prepare all your materials before you travel, and expect to bring in your own supplies. If you are interested, please contact us by clicking below:

[button url=””]Join Us[/button]



[accordion title=”Surgical Teams”]

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Throughout the years of our medical work in Haiti, we have found men and women in remote areas with diseases that are easily curable with surgery. One of the most common of these is a hernia, which can prevent a person from working and providing for their family. Many have had these for many years and are unable to find any treatment. Working in a new hospital facility, we have recently stated to address this problem. Each week of surgical ministry, an average of 40 operations can be done. Are you or do you know a doctor or health professional that would be interested in working in this ministry? Please let us know by clicking below:

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More Details about Mission Teams:


[accordion title=”Currently Planned Teams”]

Currently Planned Teams



[accordion title=”Trip Costs”]

Ground costs for mission team members is $40 per day, plus airfare. Each group is responsbile for air transportation to and from Port au Prince, Haiti. Cost includes all ground transportation while in Haiti, sleeping accommodations, meals daily, drinking water, translators and provided project materials. Upon arrival at the Port au Prince airport, the group will be met by our onsite directors and escorted to the mission location.


[accordion title=”Preparation and Trip Details”]


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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member