Long Awaited


I know we’re not very good about showing pictures of our Haiti trips, and if we do, it’s forever after we get back. Here is my effort to do better. The trip went wonderful with only a few glitches. The crew consisted of Papa Rudolph, Gin, Micheal, Caleb, Anna, Jacob, ET, and myself. We met up with Jeriah, Lamar, and our Haitian friends and headed out to Patmos, the village we are treating for the iodine deficiency. We did three days of clinic including a day that Jacob, Papa, and I hiked to nearby schools to collect urine samples and dose the children with the iodine. We finished up with a 2 day clinic in Karfou a town outside of Port Au Prince. At times during the trip things can become mentally, emotionally, and physically grueling; however, the Lord always reveals Himself and His will encouraging us as we press on joyously serving the One and Only God.
Packing the truck that will carry all the meds, our luggage, and 13 people.
I loved going to the school. It was so much fun trying to get the kids to swallow pills then pee in a cup. They were very disciplined and did a wonderful job! Patients come from far away and wait for a long time to receive treatment. Elliott did a great job capturing the beauty of the people.
ET working hard on a little girl.
Anna and the pharmacy
All the kids get wormer. They don’t like it, but if they eat it they get candy!

These 5 month twins girls waited while their mama was treated for diptheria. The mom was so sick the husband went to buy a coffin from town. Praise God for His divine timing. Now the babies will have a mama to raise them.
Proof our treatment is working! Her goiter is getting smaller. The ladies from LBC provided a polaroid camera and film so we could take pictures of families. They absolutely loved it and some even cried when I handed them the photo. In the mornings, I would help the ladies shell the pwa congo (beans). They mixed them with rice for lunch. ET conquered the mountain once again. And I leave you with a sweet video of the school kids singing to us to thank us for the treatment.



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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member