Our work begins and ends with Jesus Christ. We believe that prayers has the power to changes live and nations alike.
There is no greater weapon against poverty, suffering and injustice than prayer.
This truth has been proven to us many times as we have rallied supporters and joined in prayer with friends from all across the United States and around the globe.“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” It captures our approach to Haiti. From medical miracles to the changing of communities to the changing of a human heart, we have see His powerful works in response to prayer.
Please join us in these prayers:
1. Pray for the body of Christ in Haiti. Just as we do for our country, pray that God will empower Christian nationals to lead their communities and equip godly leaders who will impact their nation.
2. Pray that God will bring the right people and programs to Haiti. As hard as it is to acknowledge, some programs may be causing more harm than help in this country. Pray that God will compel the right people to invest in the sustainable development of Haiti’s future.
3. Pray for the efficiency of development programs put in place in Haiti. Disorganization, lack of funding, corruption, and red tape plague so many development programs in Haiti. We must ask for God to strengthen, guide, and use these initiatives to their full potential.
4. Pray that we would seek to understand the desperation in Haiti. We cannot ask for healing with an unmoved heart. Pray for the empathy and understanding that will motivate us to become prayer advocates for Haiti.
5. Pray that the hope of the Gospel will be grasped in Haiti. True health and restoration can only come through the love of Christ and transforming power of his message.