Update from Virginia

Dear Friends,

I have been here two weeks now and God has blessed me so much already!  For those of you who don’t know, I am staying at a mission just outside of Port au Prince.  The couple here, Joel and April, are going to be in the States for furlough and there is another girl here, Jessica, who has been here for three months and knows how things are to be run.  I am here to be with her and to help in the clinic.  We have gotten to know each other by now and she is a joy to work with.  We are both a little nervous about the time when April will be gone, but God will be with us.   Please keep us in your prayers.

So, the first week here, I basically just watched and learned how things work in the clinic.  I did a little wound care, and Thursday of that week we went out to a village father north.  we took along a few  meds, but basically went to visit and evangelize.  We had a good morning, and as we were walking out of the village, we saw a lady sitting under a tree.  The Pastor with us said that they have been talking to this lady and she will not give her life to Christ.  He said that she was involved in voodoo.  April asked if we could go talk to her and the lady invited us to sit down.  April started talking to her in Kreyol, and shared the Gospel with her and the lady said she understood that she needed God but could not follow Him.  She said that she owed the witch doctor a lot of money and if she didn’t pay him he would kill her.  April  told her a story about another lady in the same circumstances who decided to put her trust totally in God and rely on Him to protect her, and the witch doctor NEVER EVEN ONCE came to her about the money.  The lady we were talking to said she had to pay off her dept before she could turn to God.  April started singing a song about how are we to pay the debt we owe to God, and the lady’s nose started to bleed.  She had a cloth tied around her head that earlier she had refused to take off, it was part of her voodoo.  Well, when her nose started to bleed, she took the cloth off her head and washed her head and face.  The she got up and went into her house.  April said we would keep praying for her and that we needed to go, but the pastor said to wait a bit longer.  The lady soon came out of her house and asked if she decided to come to Christ, could she sell the tobacco she had from the witch doctor to pay off her debt.  April told her no, that if she was going to trust God, she needed to do it all the way.  The lady said ok, and went back into her house and came out with her voodoo costumes.  She said she wanted to burn them.  It was around $150 dollars worth of stuff, an there was no food on the place.  The pastor and April prayed with her, then she burned her things, she kept going back into the house and bring out little things she had used in sacrifices, a bottle, a rattle, a plate, till it was all in flames!  She was so changed!  She asked us to come into her house and pray in it.  So we did.  It was a miracle!  God still works in mighty ways!

The next week, I went with Michael and a team into the mountains for a week of clinic.  It was a good trip, and everything went smoothly.  Just as  we were ready to leave Port, one of our trucks wouldn’t start.  It took about 20 min to fix, and we were on our way.  A few minutes down the road, we passed an accident that had happened about 20 min earlier from the looks of it.  Jeriah, whose truck wouldn’t start earlier said, “There’s the accident we weren’t supposed to be in!”  God still works in little ways as well!  On this trip there was a mama who brought her son in because he was having seizures.  Michael and  couple of the team carried him home a few hours later, and at the lady’s house they were able to share the gospel.  The lady was so touched by the team carrying her  son home, she listened, and accepted Christ!  She voluntarily brought out her voodoo stuff and burnt it!  You need to realize that when people go as far as burning their voodoo stuff, they mean what they say about accepting Christ.  They might talk, but if they burn their things, it’s for real!  God is powerful!  And of His kingdom there will be no end!  We had a wonderful time, and one evening went hiking up into the mountains to visit some little boys who asked us to come to their house.  It blessed them, but it was a bigger blessing to me!  God has been so good to me in giving me the opportunity to be here!

Today we had clinic here at HGM as usual.  Just as we were getting ready to close up for the day, a mama brought in her little boy who had got his finger caught in a bicycle chain.  The end of his finger  was mangled, and the bone snapped off.  We had to sedate him, and we cleaned it up and stitched the end of his finger together.  With high-powered antibiotics, we hope it will heal up well.  We will see him in clinic for the next few days to make sure it does not get infected.

Well, that’s all for now.  Please pray for me that I would know the will of God concerning the future.  Pray also for protection and strength for Jessica and I as April is going to the States next week.  God bless you all!

For His glory,


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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member