Travel with AFH…into some of the most remote and needy regions of Haiti. Down footpaths, into slums, and through the darkest mountains, we exist to reach out to the unreached throughout Haiti no matter where they live.

Volunteer Teams exist to care for the needy, directly evangelize and disciple believers, and empower the local Haitian church. Our aim is that a lasting relationship is built between you, the Haitian people and Aid for Haiti.

Our only motive in reaching the people of Haiti is the Love of Christ. Volunteers can expect a very rigorous and inspiring Christ centered experience designed to focus on ministry to the Haitian people and their needs instead of our own. Through all we do we strive to minister to the people of Haiti at the expense of our own comfort and desires.

Into the Harvest..

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send our workers into his harvest field Luke 10:2

God calls us all into the harvest. Please prayerfully consider if your church, or ministry organization would like to partner with AFH as short term volunteers.

Types of Teams

Medical – Travel to the most remote and needy parts of Haiti and provide direct medical and spiritual care. Travel directly to the homes of the Haitians and address health and spiritual concerns.
Teaching – Provide basic community health training to remote villages. Opportunities exist to provide specialized medical training also.
Construction – Provide your construction talents to further the work in Haiti and to give directly to the suffering.
Pastor Training – Help to provide long term Pastor/Elder training for remote pastors who have never received any previous training

To take the next step:

  1. Pray – pray if God would have you join us in Haiti.
  2. Contact – If your group or church feels lead to help minister in Haiti, please contact us at
  3. Sharpen – Sharpen you mind and spiritual life. ministry in Haiti is very stressful and taxing. Please be prepared for this
  4. Prepare – AFH will provide you with training and materials to help make specific preparation.

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