
We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We carry a burden to proclaim this truth in all we do.

We are driven by our faith in Jesus Christ to serve the people of Haiti, because we love them and we believe God loves them, too. We believe in Christ’s promise to bring life in its fullest. We believe He has given us a command to serve our impoverished neighbors to the best of our ability.
At Aid for Haiti, in all we do we strive to to have an eternally significant impact on the people of Haiti. We focus on helping local pastors reach villages with the gospel and make disciples. Through our remote medical ministry we share the gospel with clinic member and patients daily through one on one sharing, films and messages shared by local pastors. Since 2011, we have been using video projector screen, PA system and gospel videos in Creole during every medical clinic. This system is also used during pastor training sessions and to teach community health.
These funds will be used for such things as equipment to show gospel films in Haiti, to secure donations and purchase solar powered audio bibles to use and leave with villages in remote parts of Haiti and provide spiritual resources to new believers in their own language.

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